
The following is a high level overview of our internal roadmap. Once the initial beta of the service has been rolled out, this page will be updated with the high level plans for the service’s future.

The high-level roadmap as a figure

Alpha (current)

  • - Finish setting up the legal entity;
  • - Setup initial website (this site);
  • - Setup initial annual reports section on site;
  • - Evaluate deployment strategies;
  • - Develop initial Ansible setup;
  • - Develop HA platform design;
  • - Finalize automated roll-out and update mechanisms;
  • - Finalize testing environment;
  • - Perform initial shake down tests on testing;


  • - Finalize Life Cycle Maintenance (LCM) procedures;
  • - Roll out initial beta service;
  • - Open up registration for selected parties;
  • - Perform final shake down tests on production;
  • - Spin up public status monitoring at

General Availability (GA)

  • - Open up registration to the public;

Please note: the GA date for the service has not been determined yet.