Why this is awesome!

We aim to create a sustainable, free, Open Source code hosting service. The idea is to do this using all Open Source software while being sustainable. We have very limited funds for now and will be looking for donors and sponsors to sustain this platform.

Privacy Policy

Let’s keep it simple.

We take data privacy very seriously, so we make sure not to store anything we do not need. You can approach us any time to have your data removed or simply retrieve information about what information we did store.

Stay in touch

The service is currently being built privately and is being based on the awesome Forgejo project. Check back once in a while, we hope to do a public Alpha soon.

High level steps

  • Initial design and setup
  • Public Alpha
  • Sourcing additional funding though sponsors, donors and/or grants
  • Public Beta
  • Iron out bugs / configuration issues before go-live
  • Go live!