Annual report 2024

NOTE - This is a placeholder document for the 2024 annual report.


OpenGit was founded in 2024. The full annual report over 2024 will be made available in Q1 2025.

Overview of events

– TBD –


Every year we want to share with you some high-level information about the current state of finances of OpenGit.

Income & Expenses

What Incoming Outgoing
Donations 0,–
Sponsorships 0,–
Merchandise 0,–
Balance 20xx 0,–
Hosting 0,–
Domains 0,–
Hardware 0,–
Payment fees 0,–
Office supplies 0,–
Generic expenses 0,–
Subtotals 0,– 0,–
Balance —- —-

Donors and Sponsors

– TBD –

Budget 2025

– TBD –

Plans for 2025

– TBD –

Transparency report

What #
Number of requests from Dutch law enforcement 0
Request for user information 1) 0
Request for data traffic 0
Mailbox seizures 0
DMCA requests 0
451 - Unavailable for legal reasons 0

1) User information as in: email address, phone numbers, addresses, aliases, bank accounts